
作者: union-U_U分类: 校园学习 发布时间: 2020-08-18 13:34:44 浏览:31074 次


Ten ways to say hello 1. hi 2. good morning/afternoon/evening 3. hey(friends) 4. what's up(informal and cool) 5. how is it going 6. well hello(surprised to see someone) 7. yo, what's good 8. look who it is 9. it's a pleasure to meet you(formal) 10. long time no see

Part 1 General statement about the topic There are many types of… Part 2 State your favorite & when it become your favorite However,my favorite is… Part 3 Give 3 reasons why it is your favorite The top three reasons why … is my favorite…

how to talk about current event step 1 explain the issue(5ws) step 2 explain the popular view step 2 give your opinion

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英语 口语话题英语 英语口语

