perfect vulva and healthy vagina

作者: 雪片糖糕分类: 音乐综合 发布时间: 2020-11-22 18:07:38 浏览:16620 次

perfect vulva and healthy vagina

极其年轻的生只器官系统和年轻的功能(如果你愿意,它可以给你处吕的功能和形状,或者只是变得年轻/健康)→以上所有这些都是用这个重复的:健康的,即时的,现在的,每分每秒的,安全的,永远的,永远的,100%可见的,速度是超高能宇宙射线的十亿倍,安全的DNA转化来实现它,显而易见的,记忆化的,显而易见的, 等等。立即获得最完美的外因和b基尼qu域,就像你做的一样:·完全愈合的阴c成形术,楔形切除阴c成形术,激光缩小阴c成形术(获得小阴c)·增大阴c成形术和自体脂肪转移程序到大阴c(获得丰满的大阴c)·阴振兴激光治疗在你想要的比基尼区域(过度繁殖部位)激光变亮


*Perfect Vulva and Healthy Reproductive System * PLEASE CHECK MY INSTAGRAM/ WATCH THE VIDEO FOR THE EXPLANATION  Get the utmost (noticeably, prodigiously, massively, genetically, etc): •Clean, healthy, fresh, hygiene vagina, vulva, all reproductive system organs (prevent every genitalia infection: bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, cervicitis, PID, etc) • healthy vagina, uterus, fallopian tube, ovary (prevent DISEASES related to reproductive organ) • attractive and alluring labia majora and labia minora • youthful and rejuvenated labia minora, labia majora, clitoris •tiny, cute, smooth labia minora •desired colored labia minora

【回复】• extremely youthful reproductive organ system and youthfully functioning (it could give you the function and shape as a virgin if you want, or just simply become youthful/healthy) → All of the above are repeated using this: healthily, Instantly, right now, every yoctosecond, safely, forever, always, 100% visible at a speed billion times faster than the speed of ultra high energy cosmic rays, SAFE DNA transformation to achieve it, noticeable, memerizing, apparent, etc  Get the utmost perfect vulva and bikini area instantly as if you’ve done: • fully healed labiaplasty, wedge resection labiaplasty, laser reduction labiaplasty (to get tiny labia minora) • augmentation labiaplasty and autologous fat transfer procedure to labia majora (to get plumper labia majora) • vulva rejuvenating laser treatment •laser brightening in YOUR DESIRED BIKINI AREA (hyperpigmenatation spot)
【回复】 Lipid transfer and deposited to labia majora Increase adipogenesis and lipogenesis in labia majora to give the plumpest and prettiest labia majora appearance Prodigiously toned bulbospongiosus muscle (plump labia majora)  ideally toned pelvic muscle and pelvic floor muscle (could be used to increase vaginal tone in order to enhance the sensual sensation of intercourse OR decrease the vaginal spasm/vaginismus)  Ideal and healthy amount of reproductive hormones to get healthy reproductive system (it could help to prevent diseases related to hormonal imbalance such as PCOS, endometriosis, breast cancer, etc)

