
作者: 口语控分类: 校园学习 发布时间: 2021-11-04 19:00:13 浏览:21943 次


滴滴~ 课代表来啦 1. bail 放鸽子 2. chill out 淡定点 3. wack 糟糕的 4. no cap 讲真 5. cringe 尴尬

Sorry guys, I have to bail tonight. My girlfriend's in town. Hey! Just chill out. I'm trying to help you. Don't fly at me! Listen to me don't watch that movie. It's wack, the worst ever. I promise I'll give it back to you by tomorrow. No cap. Oh my god. I can't stand it. That's so cringey! bail /beɪl/ INFORMAL•NORTH AMERICAN abandon a commitment, obligation, or activity. "after 12 years of this, including Sunday Mass with the family, I bailed" chill-out adjective INFORMAL intended to induce or enhance a relaxed mood, in particular an area in a nightclub where quiet or ambient music is played. chill out to relax completely, or not allow things to upset you: I'm just chilling out in front of the TV. Chill out, Dad. The train doesn't leave for another hour! fly at (someone or something) To abruptly strike or attack someone or something. Out of nowhere, I heard shouts behind me as the two boys who had been arguing flew at each other.

【回复】wack /wak/ INFORMAL•US adjective bad; inferior. "a wack radio station" noun noun: wack; plural noun: wacks 1. a crazy or eccentric person. "the kids were learning to live with the idea that Dad was a wack" 2. worthless or stupid ideas or talk; rubbish. "this track is a load of wack" No cap basically mean that they are not lying or capping like they did something. cringe /krɪn(d)ʒ/ verb bend one's head and body in fear or apprehension or in a servile manner. "he cringed away from the blow" experience an inward shiver of embarrassment or disgust. "I cringed at the fellow's stupidity" cringey /ˈkrɪn(d)ʒi/ adjective INFORMAL 1. causing feelings of embarrassment or awkwardness. "one of his cringey attempts at camaraderie" 2. servile or timid; cringing. "he was cringey and smarmy when Carstairs was there and called him all sorts of horrible names when he wasn't"
no cap最早是hood slang,就是街头话,后面被各种rapper带火

with due respect,最后一个真的不是cringey 或者cringy嘛 无恶意 只是想确认一下

【回复】回复 @w涵涵涵涵涵w :While many people dispute whether the correct spelling is “cringey” or “cringy,” a search through the most reputable online dictionaries will show that the best spelling is “cringey.”
内心: 放鸽子 send peagon/dove away 淡定 be quiet 糟糕的 terrible 讲真 its really that 尴尬 embrassed

Bail应该不是放鸽子意思吧。差不多离开,走的意思,bail=to leave

【回复】回复 @OxO呋喃 :不敢苟同,口语里就是离开,撤了。最简单常用的let‘s bail。解释为让我们放鸽子??[喜极而泣][喜极而泣]
【回复】回复 @Joe_Chiang :我指的是有放鸽子的意思,而且解释的通。你非要强调只有一个意思吗?人家就有这种语境的用法。
【回复】回复 @OxO呋喃 :教学就应该要严谨啊,离开是离开,放鸽子是放鸽子,两者不能划等号。我刚谷歌了下。 除了迅速离开确实还有放鸽子意思,但要用到bail on sb固定句式。
能不能讲讲典故啊 这样记不住也缺了最有意思的关键

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