【英语】外企上班族必备!Derek Callan的商务英语教室【合集】

作者: 杨本尼的学习笔记分类: 校园学习 发布时间: 2021-08-23 12:17:12 浏览:1021718 次

【英语】外企上班族必备!Derek Callan的商务英语教室【合集】

come up 突发事件 fill in for someone 代班 get back to 回复 Deal with something 解决 set up 准备 设立 run out of something 消耗殆尽 figure something out 想办法 搞明白 look into 调查

【回复】回复 @胖丸心 : 感觉有点像咱常说的,回头再给你说
【回复】举手~请问get back是回复还是等会交代呢,貌似在例句里“等下交代”更解释的通

【回复】回复 @远山黛月白 :没看出来为什么这么问吗[疑惑]
科代表🙋‍♀️essential v. 1. brainstorm 2. Review 3. Identify 4.implement 5.analyze 6.approach 7. Go round (the table) 8. Finalize

brainstorm: let's brainstorm some ideas for the new campaign. We need to start brainstorming solutions to the problems right now. review: have you already reviewed the new IT security guidelines? We need more time to review the current situation. identify: have we identified the cause of the problem? we are very excited because we've identified a gap in the market. implement: we need to implement a new IT system as soon as possible. let's implement flexitime to help our staff with their work-life balance.

P3: I would like to remind (不是remember) we can assure you that you will receive the goods by(不是untill)... I'm afraid (没有BUT) , example, I'm afraid + subject In our next meeting, we will discuss (没有about) the new market strategy Would you mind sending(to send) the results of the survey again? I think i deleted the original email by mistake------mind doing something inform+ direct object

analyze: The new software will help us to analyze market data. we analyzed the result of the survey and found that most of the customers are satisfied with our products. approach: we need to find a new way of approaching the problem. Do you have a suggestion on how we can approach this situation? go around: let me just go around the table and get everyone's opinion on this. Can we go around to take a vote? finalize: can you please finalize the arrangements for our trip to Mumbai? Will we be able to finalize the deal this week?

两天听完做完笔记 很受用谢谢 这个应该复盘几次



1.brainstorm Let's brainstorm some ideas for the new campaign. We need to sta...

商务英语 英语口语

